Saturday, April 27, 2013

Baylor Isn't Just A School

Before deciding to come to Baylor I really did not know anything about it.  My family didn't go here, I'm not from here, and to me, Baylor was just one of the 11 schools I had decided to apply to.  If anything, Baylor was on the bottom of my list.  I had attended private schools my entire life, I wanted to try something new; something bigger and crazier - outside of my comfort zone. 

As my senior year came closer to an end, and the time to decide where I would spend the next four years of my life grew closer, I had narrowed my list down to a few schools - Baylor still on the list, and still at the bottom.  My family and friends knew Baylor was the better fit for me, but I was stubborn.  I wanted to be the one to make the decision.  I thought I knew what I wanted.  My guidance counselor was quick to notice my unwillingness to give in to my family and friends and put me in contact with some of her colleagues who had attended Baylor. 

That's when my mind started to change.  Everyone I talked to, everyone who had even heard more about Baylor than I had (which was basically anything), couldn't say anything bad about it!  I didn't understand.  How could this place be so great?  There had to be something wrong with it!  So I prayed.  Deep down, I knew the right answer, but I didn't want to admit it.  Weeks went on, on college day at my high school I didn't wear a Baylor shirt, and when teachers asked me where I was going I didn't say Baylor.  Finally though, one day I decided to swallow my pride and let go. I posted on Facebook to inform my parents that I'd taken their credit card and made my deposit to attend Baylor University (so I don't really know if I swallowed ALL of my pride but still...) and it is still to this day one of the best decisions I have ever made.

As a sophomore Nursing student at Baylor University, I will be leaving this amazing campus for Dallas in August.  What I've realized just over the past few weeks though, is that Baylor isn't just here on this campus.  At the orientation for nursing school in Dallas a few weekends ago, Baylor was there.  When I talked to all of those people on the phone my senior year, Baylor was there.  As West deals with and continues to recover from their awful tragedy, Baylor is there.  What I've realized is that Baylor isn't just a school, it's a family.  They say it, they advertise it, and you better believe it.  I'm not saying Baylor is the only school out there like it, I am completely bias, but from my experience, Baylor is definitely special.  Baylor has opened my eyes to so much more than I ever thought it would, and its morals, values, teachings, and mission are things I will carry with me wherever I go in life. 

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