Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Mississippi Geographical MapIf you asked me where I call home, I'm not exactly sure I could give you a straight answer.  Born in Mississippi, raised in Arizona, and now trying to make a home for myself in the great state of Texas, I have been fortunate enough to have multiple places that I can call home.
When I was just 5 years old I remember so vividly being told we were moving from Mississippi to Arizona.  I'm not really sure how - at that age - I had such a strong attachment to Mississippi, but I was not happy about leaving.  As I grew older  I made friends and realized that the move was not actually the worst thing that could have happened to me.  Don't get me wrong, I still to this day have tried to find ways to go back and stay connected to my southern roots in just about every way I possibly can, but what I've realized is that being able to feel at home in this many places is probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  

Living in all these places (yes, I know a solid 3 is just a ton) has taught me a lot about what it means to call a place home.  What I've learned is that home really is more than just a place.

Home isn't just that place, it's the memories you made in that place and the people you made them with.

Home is that group of people you can always come to that will always be excited to see you.

Home is that place you can go to and everything just goes right back to the way they were the last time you were there.

Texas Geographical MapHome is that place you will always feel connected to no matter what changes you go through in life.

Home is really just more of a feeling.  More of a safety net.  I think having a place or places that you can call home is so important, but I also think it has been a huge part of my life to step out of that place. Staying connected to my roots, while still stepping out of my comfort zone has shaped me and allowed me to grow in so many ways.  I'm not sure exactly where my future home will be, but I do know I will always have my past homes to guide me in what to look for as I begin my adult life.  

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